You deliver, we process and fund you same day.
- Auto Submits the ready to invoice (detects paperwork) queue twice daily
- Status updates on ready to invoice
- Submittance acknowledgement with advance schedule on each time you are funded
Axis Factoring department (Axis TFS a subsidiary of Axis TMS) will streamline funds same day before 11 am EST and next day before 7 pm EST when an order is completed in the Ready to Invoice status. As long as your paperwork is uploaded, you will no longer need to Send Invoices as this feature will automatically do this for you. You also have the option to disable auto pay and submit invoices by batch or individually. You will not be required to download and email paperwork to us, as it is instantly transferred to our Factoring Department internally via the system.
To get started, please click the Auto Pay button or if you have any questions please call 855-430-3500.