What is Track and Trace?
Axis TMS Track and Trace is a tool for your customers to track shipments you are handling for them. The online portal also allows your customers to enter orders and they will automatically await your driver assignment. Customers can also download invoices that you generate from the web portal.
The mobile app is limited to tracking shipment progress only. To get started, you must provide your customer an Customer ID and PIN. To do so please follow these instructions:
Note: Track and Trace is a paid add-on. Please contact sales at 855-339-6599
Step 1. Generate PIN and ID
Please direct your web browser to your customer profile that you wish to provide credentials for. You can do so by visiting the customers list. https://pro.axistms.com/customers-list
Step 2. Customer Login
To login from the web end, please use this link: https://pro.axistms.com/trackandtrace-login
To login from mobile app, please visit your app store and type in “Axis TMS Track and Trace”.
Customer will need PIN and ID to login.
Mobile App Version
Your customer will be able to see the following data on the mobile app:
- Your Company Information
- Telephone
- MC
- Company name
- Order ID
- Order Reference ID
- Total miles until arrival
- Number of stops and stop data
- Scheduled Time / Date
- Actual Arrived Time / Date
- Truck ID
- Trailer ID
- Current Location
- Map
- Your truck will be displayed with current GPS position
- Your order route will be displayed
Web Version
Your customer will be able to view the following data on the web portal:
- Your Company Information
- Telephone
- MC
- Company name
- Order ID
- Order Reference ID
- Total miles until arrival
- Total loaded miles
- Number of stops and stop data
- Scheduled Time / Date
- Actual Arrived Time / Date
- Truck ID
- Trailer ID
- Current Location
- Download Invoice
- Order Entry
- Driver Name
- Driver Tel
- Last GPS Position Update time stamp
- Charges total
- Customers can see pending, scheduled, delayed, on route, arrived and completed orders