Where to find this feature: Order Create
Summary: We have updated trailer actions on each stop type.
You will see the following trailer actions below:
- Live Load
- This will require the driver to check out as a live load.
- Live Unload
- This will require the driver to check out as a live unload.
- Drop & Hook Trailer
- Once selected you will be required to enter the trailer number the driver will be required to hook on the mobile app.
- Once the driver performs this trailer action on the mobile app it will drop the current trailer the driver is attached to and require them to hook the trailer you have selected.
- Once selected you will be required to enter the trailer number the driver will be required to hook on the mobile app.
- Hook Trailer
- Once selected you will be required to enter the trailer number the driver will be required to hook on the mobile app.
- Once the driver performs this trailer action on the mobile app it will require them to hook the trailer you have selected.
- Once selected you will be required to enter the trailer number the driver will be required to hook on the mobile app.
- Hook Trailer (Driver Provides ID)
- Once selected you will not have to enter in a trailer number for the driver.
- Once the driver performs this trailer action on the mobile app they will be required to enter in the trailer number they are hooking.
- Once selected you will not have to enter in a trailer number for the driver.
- Park Truck
- Once selected the driver will see they need to park the truck at the current stop this trailer action was selected on.
- There are no further requirements, once the driver selects "Park Truck" you will see the update happen on the shipment monitor & order view.
- Once selected the driver will see they need to park the truck at the current stop this trailer action was selected on.
- Drop & Hook Trailer (Driver Provides ID)
- Once selected you will not have to enter in a trailer number for the driver.
- Once the driver performs this trailer action on the mobile app they will be required to drop the current trailer they are hooked to and enter in the new trailer number they are hooking to.
- Once selected you will not have to enter in a trailer number for the driver.
- Drop Trailer
- Once selected you will not have to enter in a trailer number for the driver.
- Once the driver performs this trailer action on the mobile app, it will automatically drop the current trailer the driver is attached to.
- Once selected you will not have to enter in a trailer number for the driver.
- Drop Trailer & Park Truck
- Once selected you will not have to enter in a trailer number for the driver.
- Once the driver performs this trailer action on the mobile app, it will automatically drop the current trailer the driver is attached to and notify the driver to park the truck.
- Once selected you will not have to enter in a trailer number for the driver.