Release Notes – 1919 Release
Server & Portal - 11/11/2019
Note: Items that are noticeable to drivers and major new features for fleet managers have been
highlighted in Red .
- Portal
- What’s New
- Displaying the browser tab’s icon based on the account’s logo
- Addition of a dialog upon logging in to the portal stating: “AOBRD
Announcement: The ELD Mandate takes full effect on December 16, 2019. All
vehicles will be switched to ELD mode at this time.” with a “Don’t show this
again” button which will not show the dialog on the next login, and will only work
per browser and per unit - Driver’s Portal
● Addition of Cycle field within the Certified Driver’s Daily Log PDF for
Canadian drivers
● Certified Driver’s Daily Log PDF- Changing the “Miles Today” to “Distance Today” for USA,
Canada & Mexico rulesets. Also, displaying “mi” as the unit of
measure for USA and “km” for Canada & Mexico ruleset
- Changing the “Miles Today” to “Distance Today” for USA,
- Drivers page
● Addition of Pending Edits column on the data table
● Addition of Vertical scroll on the data table and freezing the column
headings - Logs page
● Addition of Vehicle column within the events history list
● Changes in the downloadable Driver Log Edit Action Form
● Displaying ‘Mexico’ cycle based on the region
● Changes to the exported Driver’s Daily Log report
● Removal of the ability to reassign a Driving event to an Unidentified
driver - Violations page
● Addition of Mexico Cycle within the Violations filter - Reports page
● Addition of Odometer Jump report- Odometer jump events can be identified by the Remark events
that has a note for Disconnected/Connected - Driving on Open Defect report
- Changes to the date range filter
- Removal of Last 30 days as one of the options
- Making the default date set to ‘Today’
- Ability to select up to 7 days only
- Driver Logs report
- Addition of Start Odo and End Odo columns
- Addition of GPS coordinates (latitude, longitude) on Location
- Log Edits page
● UI enhancement
- Addition of time on the Log Date column. It will now display as
Log Date/Time column - Addition of Vehicle column
- Addition of Terminal column
- Ability to sort data by columns
● Reports
- Addition of DVIR Defect Report. This report will display the
completed DVIR defects with date inspected and date repaired
- Addition of DVIR Defect Report. This report will display the
- User Roles and Users Management page
- Displaying the user roles options regardless of any enabled features on
Create/Edit Users dialog - Displaying the following general user roles regardless of the
enabled features
■ USER_VIEW_ONLY - Displaying the following user roles for account with enabled HOS
feature only
■ USER_VIEW_ONLY - Displaying the following user roles for account with enabled
DVIR feature only
■ USER_VIEW_ONLY - Displaying the following user roles for account with enabled
Work Order feature only
■ USER_VIEW_ONLY - NOTE: User Roles will be displayed based on any combination
of the features
- Displaying the user roles options regardless of any enabled features on
- Drivers Management page
- Create/Edit Driver
- Addition of Mexico cycle in the Region dropdown options
- Addition of Minnesota cycle
- Allowing users to create/edit a driver with asterisk (*) on the CDL
Number if the selected state is Washington
● Addition of "CycleMex" column in CSV Upload
- Fixes
● Fixes on the Recap dialog where it is displaying information incorrectly
● Fixes an issue where the calculation for ‘Available’ in the Recap dialog is
● Fixes an issue on the grid chart is not handling the daylight saving time
● Fixes an issue where the duty hours after ClearYM event is being
recorded as On Duty hours in the Grid Chart
● Fixes an issue where the events history list and grid chart are not
updating automatically based from the checked Timezone when
switching to other drivers
● Fixes an issue where the horizontal line is being displayed in the Grid
Chart even if the Agricultural exception is still enabled
● Fixes an issue where the Total Mileage Driven is displaying an incorrect
value “NaN”
- Create/Edit Driver
- Addition of time on the Log Date column. It will now display as
- Changes to the date range filter
- Odometer jump events can be identified by the Remark events
- What’s New